The empirical study has been funded by gif, Gesellschaft f∏r Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung (German Society of Property Researchers. The aims of gif are to foster teaching and research in the field of real estate and related disciplines. The Society represents an interdisciplinary membership and aims to bring together theory and practice. Thus, a key element in gifÌs strategic plan is to reveal the property research priorities in Germany. Succeeding the surveys conducted by Worzala (2000) for the USA, by Newell (2001) for Australia and by Newell/ Mc Allister/ Worzala (2003) for the UK, this paper identifies the property research priorities in Germany by conducting a major survey among institutional property investors in March 2003, with over 40 property research areas assessed. The purpose of this paper is to present these German property research priorities to enable the more effective development of a German property research agenda. According to the above mentioned surveys, a comparison of equivalent property research priorities in the USA, Australia and the UK is also evaluated.