Integrating online study material in campus education forms a great challenge for coordinators and students. More so in times when physical education activities are limited, and structural change in the balance between online and face-to-face learning activities is evident. But also, because online education development requires meticulous preparation and tailor-made solutions. This presentation sets out the known theoretical didactical challenges of blended education, introduces the blended learning didactical choices for a third year bachelor course “Urban redevelopment”, and critically evaluates the learning experiences from both tutors and students by comparing education practice with theoretical insights. In designing the blended version of the course a conscious choice was made to reuse and adjust existing videos and assignments from two massive open online courses (MOOCs) for three course themes in a structured manner. Evaluations show that it is pivotal to explain to students that blended learning is introduced to stimulate active learning and what is expected from them. Moreover, a healthy balance between online and face-to-face learning activities for a theoretical course seems achievable, but delicate too, especially in creating a satisfying interactive learning experience.

ERES Education Seminar 2021 "Blended Learning: Lessons from Covid". Paper session 3 on "Blended learning"