A review of the literature clearly indicates that the real estate market has a local character because real property is permanently attached to the land in a given location. This approach predominates in the research relating to real estate as an immobile object of market transactions. However, real estate markets can and should also be analyzed from the perspective of market participants (market actors), namely, in a subjective approach. The activity of market participants is expressed by their mobility in a spatial and geographic sense (horizontal dimension) as well as their pursuit of goals, needs and opportunities for development (vertical dimension). This observation leads to the conclusion that the popular definition of locality accounts only for objective locality and is not sufficiently exhaustive. The concept of translocality on the real estate market has been proposed to combine subjective locality with the activity and creativity of market participants. 

This report will analyze translocality on the real estate market in a process approach. The aim of the study is to identify the key components of translocal processes and the variables that describe these processes in relation to the real estate market. The research hypothesis states that market participants are the creators and carriers of translocal processes and drivers of market change. The processes and variables associated with the real estate market will be analyzed individually and in data aggregates. The research methodology for analyzing translocality on the real estate market is being presently developed.

This research and conference expenses are funded by a grant from the Polish National Science Center, Miniatura 2 COMPETITION, No. DEC-2018/02/X/HS4/02241.