Looking back several decades it can be found that real estate Bachelor and Master degrees are a relatively new offerings in the landscape of Bachelor and Master programs at German universities. Traditionally, the real estate industry recruited graduates from universities focused on degrees including architecture, building engineering, business administration, law, geography and similar. However, the last 20 years saw the emergence of a larger number of university programs crafted to the needs oft he real estate industry. These programs vary in scope and content, they range from syllabus more driven towards the business and economics field, or towards the technical field associated with an engineering angle, or anchored in faculties of architecture. As result and in contrast to more traditional fields of study like business administration or law, the real estate programs´syllabus can vary widely. In addition, the percentage of school graduates qualified for university entrance has risen sharply. Recruiters at personnel departments of companies in the real estate industry therefore face quality uncertainty assessing the quality of graduates and difficulties scrutinizing the set of qualifications they can expect when hiring graduates from different universities. Adding to this quality uncertainty, student assessment and grading from professors can vary widely. Thus relying on the formal documents like Bachelor and Master degrees poses challenges from viewpoint of recruiters. This ERES Education Seminar presentation looks at aforementioned challenges and the impacts on the hiring process of graduates in the German real estate industry.