The body of knowledge is a fundamental attribute of an established discipline. In the field of accounting, for instance, the accounting body of knowledge is reflected in statements of accounting principles. In most disciplines an introductory textbook is presumed to reflect that discipline’s body of knowledge.

While there have been a select number of research papers addressing the property discipline’s body of knowledge, heretofore a comprehensive, integrating, inclusive, and contemporary statement of the discipline’s body of knowledge has not been provided. This paper addresses this pressing need. Beyond providing a rationally organized statement of the discipline’s body of knowledge, the presentation is extended to address explicitly how that body of knowledge appropriately is included in real estate education.

The consideration of the body of knowledge in real estate education is addressed at multiple levels, ranging from the introductory principles class for a student or individual who had no prior exposure to or knowledge of property and real estate through elective classes that would explore certain topics – i.e. finance, investment, appraisal, development, etc. – to develop the coverage of that subject more fully; and through more advanced treatment of certain of these topics. This paper provides suggested ways of integrating concepts of the body of knowledge some 15 different courses that might comprise a real estate curriculum.

This paper makes the significant contribution of organizing documents in the body of knowledge (BOK) and then linking and connecting that BOK to real estate education.