Branding is an important aspect in marketing because consumers are attracted to brands with values which are congruent to their own values. It is the ìunique added valuesî of a place brand that give places their distinctive personalities. These values are derived from all aspects of the environment, and will function as a brand regardless of whether or not it is managed as a brand. Place brand meaning also gives residents a sense of identity within society. Skinner and Kubacki (2007) suggests that ìthere is a growing body of research which identifies the need to investigate brand from a multi-stakeholder perspectiveî. In this study, we examine the elements which communicate a place brand from the perspective of residents and estate agents located in two affluent residential areas located close to Aucklandís CBD. A telephone survey of 561 residents from these two suburbs in addition to a content analysis of 2968 E-advertisements and interviews with estate agents provide the data to examine the residentsí and estate agents perception of the personality of their suburb.