Netherlands has set national energy targets for year 2020 following the European Union vision. In this context at the local level Eindhoven Municipality has set its ambition to go energy neutral in housing sector by 2020 and decided to develop new energy neutral housing areas. Lack of strict regulations and appropriate forms of support aimed at relevant stakeholders involved has attributed to the lack of acceptance for energy neutral housing in the current housing market. Further lack of a defined role for municipality to promote stakeholder participation has affected the realization of energy neutral housing developments. Market research shows that Denmark and UK have introduced several effective regulatory and support instruments to promote their energy ambitions in housing sector. Especially, Danish municipalities have played a unique role to promote stakeholder participation in energy efficient housing developments. These instruments found from Denmark and UK experiences are prioritized for Eindhoven scenario by stakeholder groups of Municipality, project developers, Energy consultants and consumers regarding their preferences using Analytical Hierarchy Process. Using scenario analysis a proactive participatory role is found essential for the Eindhoven municipality to promote stakeholder participation in energy neutral housing development process.