"The Australian government is supporting the development of renewable energy technology, such as wind power, in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases in line with the Kyoto agreement. While wind technology offer many advantages property owners have voiced opposition to the siting of wind farms due to concerns over changes in neighborhood aesthetics, noise, loss of bird life, and loss in property values. Such opposition can result in planning permission being declined and a restriction in the ability to meet Kyoto targets. This paper outlines the results of research carried out in Western Australia (WA) 2008 to investigate the attitudes of communities towards the development of wind farms and to seek ways to mitigate the magnitude of opposition and increase the success rate of planning applications. The cities investigated include Albany, Esperance and Denmark on the south coast of WA. The results of this research will be of interest to power companies in helping plan the siting of these. Similarly, property valuers need to understand the valuation implications of wind farms when valuing property in close proximity to these.""