This paper focuses on the National Association of Romanian Valuers ANEVAR experience in the real estate education. ANEVAR was set up in 1992 as a professional, not for profit, non-governmental and independent organization, which acts in the public interest and which promotes the valuation methods and techniques through specific means. The matrix structure of ANEVAR is divided into four sections: business valuation, real estate valuation, personal property, valuation, financial assets valuation. The education program includes: training courses and training seminars (only for members). Also include in-house courses mainly for banks (Raiffeisen Bank, BRD- Sogelease, Romanian Commercial Bank, etc). ANEVAR has initiated and developed valuation courses in universities, showing openness towards the training carried out, for acknowledging their courses in the field of valuations. Thus, the association has twelve cooperation agreements with faculties within: ASE (Academy of Economic Studies) Bucharest, Universitatea de Vest Timisoara (Timisoara West University), Universitatea Babes Bolyai (Babes-Bolyai University) in Cluj, Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii (Technical University of Constructions) Bucharest, Universitatea Ovidius (Ovidius University) Constanta etc.