There are many bottlenecks in the Dutch housing market. Several developments indicate the misery in the housing market: the price of owneroccupied property is high, waiting lists for dwelling seekers are long and the chance of being successful in finding a suitable and affordable dwelling is low. The increased purchase prices resulted in high financial barriers for entering the buyers market. Starters can hardly enter this market and the entryoptions for tenants that want to buy are diminishing. The declining outflow out of the rental sector in combination with a meager quantity of building in this sector, results in decreasing influx- and transfer opportunities in this sector. As a consequence a lot of young dwelling seekers are becoming outsiders on the housing market. This paper analyses the dynamics of the housing market in the region of Eindhoven. First it investigates the entrybarriers in the owner-occupied market. Second it will go into the entry- and exit barriers in the social rental sector and the rate of success for urgent dwelling seeker. Than it will explore two innovative interventions, that can enlarge freedom of choice in the housing market. The first one is the individual or collective commissioning of building, in which the traditional developers donít play a part anymore. The second on is ësocial home ownershipí, a ëhybridí form of tenure. In this form ëbetween buying and rentingí the best of both worlds is combined. At the end the paper discuss the success- and fail factors of both strategies.