Based on the findings from research on German Soziale Stadt Program, the paper considers the conditions of application of similar solutions in urban regeneration for Polish conditions. Modern concept of urban regeneration applied in Germany and some other Western European countries is derived from the concept of social inclusion of neglected neighbourhoods and their inhabitants. To stop the process of physical degradation of space, to stop the downward spiral of social exclusion of the communities, the program pools recourses and applies innovative organizational structures to tackle problems in various fields: local economy, culture, health, housing, employment, social conflicts. Crucial in this new approach towards urban problems is the employment of urban development measures and projects to remedy bad social conditions. Urban development measures have become just one of the tools applied to solve complex problems of urban areas. Repair of the building stock neglect is no more the aim in itself. The main question of the paper is whether the aims and methods of such programs are relevant for Polish conditions. The author assumes that the superior aim of this programme approach - the sustainable improvement of the living conditions of the people in the disadvantaged districts by the measures of the active and integrated urban development policy ñ has universal value and its application in Poland should be recommended. Polish legal, administrative, political and financial conditions are considered and evaluated to find out whether the concept of socio-spatial policy, combing spatial policiesí measures with tools to deal with social problems of selected areas might be useful in our country. Typical problems if Polish cities are taken into account and current as well past approach towards urban regeneration and urban development has been analysed to emphasize the typical points of Polish approach to urban regeneration. An attempt is made to point barriers in application socially integrative urban regeneration approach in Poland.