The aim of DID Deutsche Immobilien Datenbank, which forms part of the Investment Property Databank (IPD) network, is to foster detailed comparative analyses for real estate portfolios of institutional investors in Germany. The periodic service is based on a databank which includes comprehensive data on valuations, capital accounts, income and operating costs for each of the properties, covering a total of 43% of the relevant German institutional real estate investment market. This paper analyzes the relation of age and performance investigating the characteristics of commercial properties owned by institutional investors. The selected properties represent a total capital value of up to 25 Billion Ä. The annual performance (Total Return, Net Income Return and Capital Growth) of properties in different age groups is analyzed over a period of seven years. Furthermore, the analysis differentiates for market segments and investment volume of the properties. The findings of the paper are supposed to be valuable for the property investment market and the asset management decision-making process.