University of Alicante has a population about 30.000 people that forces to an administration and planning of the infrastructures with an only objective, the best resources optimization, itís characterized by a constant variability. The SIGUA project, developed and maintained in the LabSIG from 1997, want to give an opportune answer, as an interactive way, to the necessities of patrimonial information of the campus, using the actually relational databases, we add spacial aspects as buildings, floor, rooms, surfaces; Them are connected to an interactive web map server, what allows user to access to the institutional local net with a simple internet browser. We have defined an innovative code system, based on cadastral type, that supposes the central axis of the Geographic Information System, itís based on the room characterization like minimum unit of cartographic representation. The geo-reference of the properties, facilities and rooms, next to their geometry, it allows that the space becomes the element vertebrador of the sources of university information. The goal is to provide friendly technological resources to the agents to know at the same time with detail the distribution of spaces and services that allow the appropriate daily administration of the assets, that it facilitates the planning of the future development of the university space.